a. b. o. u. t.
Sarah is most commonly known as being the founder of Beyond the Bund, a C O L L A B O R A T O R & an individual who is set on building.
She specialises in curating M U L T I M E D I A experiences’ ones which connect individuals to important S O C I A L-C O N C E P T S.
Her main mission is to start D I A L O G U E S that stimulate people in actively taking part in their perception of the F U T U R E.
# powered* by people
# bottom up approach
# community movements
Sarah was rooted in India, sprouted in Oman, imported into London, and is currently sold in Shanghai. And so her journey continues ...
Sarah does not come from a conventional arts, commercial or design background. However, at University she started up a social enterprise ‘LIA’, Ladies in Action, coined for the workshops she held at the Pankhurst centre (Manchester), where female ex-convicts were taught how to become shoe entrepreneurs. A basic visual learning business module was designed by the young dreamer.
Later on, during her time in post-revolution Cairo, she involved herself in many youth movement projects (which aimed to solve the unemployment issue).
More recently, (over the last 3 and a half years) Sarah started up a Social Enterprise platform; ‘Beyond the Bund’. This was a China bootstrap project that later turned into a sustainable business model. Beyond the Bund is about showcasing socially relevant content for the community, aiding corporates in engaging with CSR or business for good missions, and more recently, providing local schools with modules that help in creative expression of global concepts.
Most of the work carried out & designed by Sarah focuses on using artistic mediums to help showcase / engage people with important social issues.