Community Experience design
The following experiences have been curated so that the community can come into contact with, interact & contribute to concepts related to impact, progressive movements & new concept ideas.
CHINESE WHISPERS: A multi-media storytelling experience around an Elderly’s first hand experience of living through China’s historical changes (pre 1930’s to 1960’s).
Lighting design, music production, script writing and dance choreography have all been inserted into this piece. All creative content has been gradually built from a series of an in-depth dialogues with our local elderlies.
All content has been approved by the elderlies involved.
POP - A moving dance installation to emphasise the importance of social connectivity.
‘‘We can all get stuck in our habits and habitats’’
POP is an experiment that brings us out of our bubbles and into a shared space where we can have an experience that no one has ever had before, together.
UN-EVENT - An event that discovers how we can reach our highest potentials. Come and explore with us !
A woman walks in blindfolded. She wears a 4 metre long white dress, it trails behind her. She has a sign on around her neck, (stating) ‘This Artist Would Like to be Held’ - . . . How do we react ?
An improv piece that challenges us into action.
A renowned speaker who talks only if and when he is directed by the audience.
Everything is managed and run by the attendees. How would people run things? Do we have the ability to manage and sort ? . . . as people ?
POP UP PYONGYANG - An experience designed as a collaboration with several experts on the DPRK, many of whom currently living in the South East Asia region (best selling authors, aid workers, mapping project initiators, owners of DPRK tour agencies / news outlets).
The experience aims to present true content about the residents of Pyongyang, based on encounters of experts who have spent an extended period of time with locals. This piece strives to capture the positive movements that locals are putting in place and how we can understand this better to aid in our own way via contact through these initiatives.
‘‘Welcome to Pyongyang, we will be taking you through Dangdong China to the DPRK Pyongynag. Phones will be collected at the border, badges of the great leader is to be worn at all times and colours to be restricted to karky, navy & brown’’ . . .
BTB FEST I - Beyond the Bund FEST is a festival of ideas, positive movements and innovations. This experience entails a full days spread of debates, exhibits, immersive games & transformative workshops.
Thought leaders, radicals & industry game changers will be challenged to create a space where knowledge is transferred to the attendees, in a practical and approachable manner.
The festival aims to present a knowledge base that encourages the community to act & create explosive projects together.
CAMPFIRE - Campfire is an immersive dance-theatre work at the end of the world. Squatters in an office construction site are refugees in a city where resources are scarce. When survival is their primary objective, their humanity is put into question.
In the glimpse of an apathetic future, the audience will be intimately involve in testing the resilience of our human capacity for empathy.
LUNCH BEAT - A high energy, upbeat, socially active one hour lunch break get together. We invite all the city workers to come and engage in their neighbourhoods with good tunes, a healthy lunch and the RIGHT attitude.
Cycle in with our community bike groups and enjoy a fresh lunch, whip some grooves out and return to work with higher spirits, focus and creativity !
This is an ongoing movement in the city, frequently attended by free lancers, designers, artists and the Shanghai start up community.
EXPRESS YO-SELF - 3 Shanghai community leaders will share their electric ideas via sound, visuals + movement.
Topics will be 1. Stuts, STDs & Shame 2. Eat, Vote, Fund 3. Clexit : recipe for a new nation.
Story Telling by the Local Elderly : These are our earlier oral retelling series, where the local Chinese elderly share their experiences from the 30’s-60’s. At the same time a local youth translates for them consecutively.
Local universities and elderly institutions in Shanghai partner with us on these events.
This program aims to break cultural and generational barriers and has consistently been running for 3 years. An evolution of the Oral retelling is our current day Chinese Whispers series, where multi media design aspects are integrated.
SEX TALK NIGHTS - We host a series of get togethers designed specifically to get the local female community to engage and open up about sexual encounters.
This is about providing a safe space for women to share their doubts, lack of understanding, fears, vulnerabilities on sexual matters.
This is carefully designed with creative build workshops, anonymous discussions questioning, gamification and fun interactions.
WELCOME TO TODAY - A two day experience filled with workshops, arts performances, talks & screenings, all centred around our current environmental issues.
Community movers & shakers were invited to collaborate around ideas of vegan campaigns, zero waste lifestyle practices and up-cycled artistic demonstrations.
Key Features : Up-cycled Audio pods - Curation / Green Screenings / Waste Art Exhibition / Action Art / Vegan Talks / Compost Bin Workshops.
FASHION FOR ALL - This was an experience curated during fashion week. It was designed in an effort to make fashion week Shanghai accessible in an inexpensive manner.
Interactive experiences were also available to enable all attendees to engage with the theme of fashion week 2017 ; tech.
Key features : Live streaming / Digital Wardrobe / VR Experience